Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

         This was our first valentines day together 2 years ago. 

This year we celebrated valentines day early because Andrew left for deployment yesterday.
This time it lasted a whole 24 hours!

We cooked together as I promised to do here
and we made lobster ravioli again!
Its our all time favorite.
We also enjoyed our freshly made pasta with a little bit of blackberry wine it was delish!

Later that night, things got interesting 
we played poker

Mind you we don't play much poker but my good friend M got me into it.
What do you use if you don't have poker chips?
and don't have any loose change around because its all wrapped up?

we played with....

Reese's Pieces!

The orange were 5
the brown were 10
and yellow was 15

Andrew won the first game and I won the last one.\

The next day
My ski collection became complete!

I now have skis, bindings, poles, and boots
all thanks to my love!

yippee for no more spending $300 every ski trip on rentals

We then went to the mall and every year Andrew has surprised me with a heart necklace 

This year I wanted something different, a girl can only have so much jewelry... right?

One of my dreams has always been for my lover to go to Victoria secrets and pick out something for me, something they like.

I wanted new panties so I told my love to pick some one that he likes and that's what he did.

I think 5 new pairs of panties that I knew he likes is more practical then another necklace right?

What's a gift you like to get on valentines day?


  1. oh my gosh going to Victoria's Secret is a great idea!!! and keep strong girl!!

  2. Sorry your man left:-( At least you got some time together though, thats great! Lobster ravioli sounds amazing and I love the VS idea! Not sure my hubby would be comfortable walking around the store alone, though! ha!
