Today I was able to cross off a goal that I had no control over on my goal list!
Today my aunt flow showed up out of no where! She had been missing sine August or september! I was this close to filling out a missing person form! I have never been so happy to have her visit!
Today I got a lot done, since andrew is on deployment I do nothing but hang out with friends and play on the computer ( no wonder my aunt flow came back! i was living the stress free life haha ) BUT today I did a lot! I ripped off the wall paper and painted the bathroom trim and "cutted" around the bathroom as well. And i am about to put the second coat on tonight! I also clean the whole house! well... just down stairs but thats the important part right? And i was still able to have some girl time at sushi tonight, well needed!
Today I received a thanks giving card from a college best friend and there was turkey stickers all over it!
and thennnnnn.... I got my birthday card form my mother, she always picks the ones that she know will make me cry ( thanks mom)
So today was a day of getting mail, dont you love getting letters or cards in the mail!?
* What I am Thankful For*
* all the wonderful new girlfriends I have made in just a few months!
* That I will have a wonderful place to go for thanksgiving while Andrew is away
* That I had the energy to work on the house
* that andrews communication is still going strong even when we is far away
* that My body is back to normal now
*getting mail today!
* My wonderful friends ( did i mention my wonderful funny friends?)
* Such an amazing boyfriend and our wonderful relationship
* That it hasn't been too cold because we still have yet to turn the heat on!
* and i am thankful for just a wonderful life that has been given to me!
"cutted" hahah Glad you're back to "normal"