Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The secret of getting things done is to act.

As you all can see from the right side of my blog, I am doing a 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days.
Well, you all would be proud of me... I can proudly check a bunch off!

1. Get my own pair of skis.
The story is... I swore Andrew got me a shark steam mop for my birthday. Well once the huge package taller then me showed up at our door. (at that moment I knew I wasn't getting my shark)
Inside this box my own skis! and they were PINK! way to go Andrew!

2.  Get a new toilet & paint bathroom
I will make this one short and dirty....
have you ever had to change a toilet? yeah... word of advice... its nasssssty!
all i will say..... *poop stick*

3. keep the heat off as long as possible.
yessuri We lasted till the first week in December.
Yeah I was cold while the house was 43degrees But it was withstandable 
the only thing we were worried about was the pipes freezing. but no big deal right?
so yeah after $500 we filled our oil take up.
so now the heat is on!!!!..... to 60... come on guys its better then 40's

4. Redo guest room
We took the ugly brown carpet our of the bedroom and added wood floors.
Then painted the room (greybeard)
Its our nautical room, with Andrew's coast guard stuff in there.
and a brand new comfy pillow top.
so you know what that means... y'all welcome to visit.


  1. aw love the nautical theme (being a sailor's girlfriend! ha) of the guest bedroom. So neat!

  2. Those are 4 pretty big things to check off!! You inspired me to start a list of my own :)

    <3 kris&kel
