Monday, December 6, 2010

Being a 23rdian

Who knew that the number 23 has some significance in peoples everyday life?
There is a group of people called 23rdian's. These people believe that 23rdians are a group of people who subscribe to the mystical power of 23 and see it in multiple combinations throughout daily life. I saw this from this crazy site all about the number 23
And good old wiki told me that "The 23 enigma refers to the belief that most incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some modification of the number 23, or a number related to the number 23"

So let me get this right? There are people out there that believe things happen in 23's? i have heard that things happen in 3's such as light bulbs (and that's always a pain, esp when your a 5'4 shorty like me) 

So why did I even bother looking this up? Because good old Emma is now 23! Yup I Had my 23rd birthday this wonderful weekend. Now, am I going to worry that bad things will happen to me this year of my birth? of coarse not. I am going to think of it as This will be the BEST year ever! and nothing but GREAT things will happen to me this year!
I think this year my life is going to change around for the best!

SO... I bet your wondering how i spent my wonderful 23rdness. 
is that a word? well i just made that! copyright!
(PS on a side note, Andrew always pick up that I have been putting the word ness on everything! but doesn't it describe everything and make it so much better? i thought so... thank you for agreeing with me)
Friday one of my bestest friends was my date all day. We got our hair cuts... YES! I cut my hair off! about 4 inches off but i love change.... I think.... ( eek!)
So yes, we got our hair done then I had my makeup done by CHANEL. Here are the colors they chose to go with my green eyes.


After we got all dolled up, Andrew took both of us to the coast guard Christmas party at the winery. That was fun and entertaining. The swimmers all dressed as elves and a group showed up in their ugly Christmas sweaters. It is always a fun event.
We then heading to Atlantic City NJ that night to meet up with everyone and keep the night rolling. 

The next day I was stressing! Andrews father was coming and Andrew was going to ask his father for his blessing for us. We already have my family's and all he needed was his side of the family now. Andrew took him for a run so they could talk, they ran for 7 miles so you know I was stressed pacing back and forth. Finally they come back in and his father gave me a hug and says "congratulations!" I am dumb founded and ask what for? and he responds with, "Andrew told me you guys are going to get married!" PHEW...  that was a release of built up tension... 
so much in fact he asked me why my face was red. hahaha!
SO that is ONE reason why I know this 23rd year will be completely awesome!

I would also like to thank Mrs. Kim for being an awesome friend and came over on my birthday and gave me a beautiful card and a book called " The Bible Treasure Hunt" isn't that just perfect for me?!

 LOTS more news this week.... stay tuned 


  1. aww I'm sooo glad you had a great birthday! I love the Chanel stuff and it's even better that his father is happy for you both!

  2. Ooh happy (late) birthday and congrats on the family's blessing! :)

    Have you seen the movie "The Number 23"? With Jim Carrey? It looked so amazing and was about that theory with 23... totally not at all what I was expecting and completely unrealistic. Bummer!
