Friday, December 17, 2010

Baby Its Cold Outside...

Today Andrew got out of work 6 hours earlier then expected! What a great start to kick off the weekend! We both got unexpected checks of reimbursement today so that was a good surprise! 
I am the type of busy body sometimes that just hanging out in the house feels like a waste of a day ya know?
So we bundled up and went to the park!
The first one we wernt aloud in because its hunting season.
Yeah... I woken up around 6AM to the sound of gun shots and something that sounded like duck calls but I know its deer season not duck. 
But I think the sound traveled down the river and that why it sounded like it was world war 2 in our back yard.
so back to what I was saying... Yea hunting... so no enter, turned around and went to a different park. 
found out that our puppy is scared of our purgo floors but yet isnt scared to walk on the half frozen water...
I will be the one to admit that women, dog or human don't make sense in their reasoning's sometimes...

well here's some lovely pics of today's adventure... no time to write tonight because we have a double date tonight for dinner in an Atlantic City Casino 
( don't worry... we don't gamble unless its walking on half frozen water)

Now who here has ever ice skated outside?
how fun is that!?


  1. These pictures are too cute! Y'all are adorable, and those earmuffs are just darling. Getting off work early is always wonderful. I hope y'all had fun in AC and enjoyed dinner! Eeep. The water is so dreadfully cold this time of year, but it's always nice to see the beach when it's quiet.

  2. aw such cute pictures! I love your earmuffs! and yes skating outside is the best!! I've been doing that since I was born because I lived in Minnesota. We would just freeze our pond in the backyard and go at it!

  3. hahaha ear muffs, scarf and mittens on Purgy?! You're hilarious! I love watching dogs freak out on hardwood floors! hahah! =)

  4. Oh my gosh! I didn't even notice we'd done the same name! That's so funny. And no worries; I know you didn't steal it! And even if you had, I;m pretty sure I stole it from a Christmas song to begin with. And vests are pretty much the greatest thing ever. Warm and cozy!
