Monday, November 22, 2010

Ready... Set... Free Your Mind!

Photo credit Mrs. caitlin

Today I am going to make myself think about stuff you normally dont think about, And I am going to let you see all my thoughts on it, oh boy a peak into my mind.... dont get lost!

My dear friend Caitlin has this 50 questions to free your mind list to complete on her 101 list and I think I should give it a try... what am I getting myself into? Lets give it a try... So I dont end up with stiff hands and I cant paint tonight, I will do 10 each night! it will save my hands and your eyes :) your welcome

  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?  looking at me I always joke 12, when I was younger I used to say I was sixteen and that worked for a while but once I reached 16... I stopped growing. But mentally I would say I was mid twenties Just because of my maturity level , when I want to be mature... but seriously.  
  2. Which is worse, failing or never trying? I would say right off the bat, never trying. As for an example... Andrew and I rock climb, If I dont complete a coarse it doesn't upset me because at lest I tried. I would regret it if I never tried and never trying is just lazy to me. You need to take RISKS in life. Not everything is perfect and we may all fail at some points BUT thats how you learn and grow in life and that to me is worth the failing.
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? First thing that comes to mind is because of responsibility. We may not want to work every day or like our work but we do it because we need the money to survive for our family to be happy. And the reason we dont do much of what we want is because we have to do the stuff that we dont want to do. work before play right? everyone needs to REWARD themselves more.. It will make us want to do that work that we dont want to do, so we can then do the things we want to do.
  4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? I really hope not. I dont want to be an "all talk no action" type of gal. I want to be the person that says something and my family KNOWS that I will stick to my word and make action to my words. I know right now I keep saying "when I join the coast guard we will do this and this...." well Im not stalling on doing it, God just dosn't think its time for me yet. I am waiting on some other blessings before I can move on to another chapter in my life.
  5. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? I would LOVE to get rid of jealousy... I really think it is the root to all evil. Andrews father taught me something that I focus on a lot because I used to be a jealous person. he taught me ( dont be jealous of someone...Take that person that you are jealous of and make them a role model. If you are envious of who they are or what they have, take that energy and put it towards your ambition to work hard to become that. Work hard to get what they have, change your self to be a better person )
  6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich? Seriously it would be a stay at home mother. It makes me so happy to take care of the ones I love. I want to be everything to my family. And my extended family I would do anything for them, because it would make me happy as well as them. Any job where I could give back to my family would make me rich.
  7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing? from a journey I did last year I have learned that what I am doing is completely not settling. What I have now is what I want and everything I believe in. It is everything I have always wanted. I am I already have my own little family. I get to start a brand new family and give it even more love then I had before. I get to start a family with everything WE believe in.
  8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I would go on an adventure every weekend, wait dont we do that already? Andrew and I live to the theory of live life to the fullest. So I wouldn't change how I live right now.
  9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Well since I met my soul mate my life has changed in ways I wouldn't expect and have no control over. I had no intention to fall in love with a coastie but I did and it changed my life completely. before I was very unhappy with no place to call home and not treating myself 100% right. With out any force. my life has changed, I have met my best friend, my soul mate, I have a place to call home, I have my own little family now, and I get to travel and have a home where ever we will roam. I have been so blessed with my new life and I coulnt be happier. The only part I will have control over is my next chapter in life, which is deciding to join the military. That will change my life a lot but for the good.
  10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? I have a very good heart and a little voice in my head who tells me to do the right thing. I have no doubt that I will always choose the right thing. But I am worried if I dont do it right. I do have a fear or failing, I dont want to fail as a girlfriend, a wife, or a mother. I do not want to ever let down my family.    
My Little Family

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